1. What is the name of your local library? What city is it located in? My library is the LeRoy Collins Leon County Public Library in Tallahassee, Florida. LeRoy Collins was raised in our area and became the 33rd Governor of Florida, from 1955 to 1961.
2. How often do you go to the library? If you're a regular, do the staff know you? I go every few weeks. I'd probably go more often but I generally borrow several books at once and it takes me a while to finish them. Our library is rather large, so I doubt if the staff know me from anyone else, but they may recognize my face.
3. Do you browse while you're there or just pick up items you have placed on reserve? Sometimes I browse, it depends on how much time I have available and how many items I've already planned to grab. I almost always browse the DVDs, though.
4. What is your favorite thing about your local library? They have a fabulously large and diverse collection, and if they don't have something, they can get you whatever you want through interlibrary loan. I also love how wired they are -- you can request and renew items online, and they have a large number of ebooks and audiobooks for download.
i have just discovered downloadable e-books this year, and am loving the ease and freedom of it. it's nice to have a library that provides that option =D
My library is awesome about technology too. :D It has an ebranch where I can download audiobooks!
Placing books on hold and browsing the DVD's can be an excellent way to utilize all aspects of the collection. Thanks for sharing!
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