When I read about this project on Michelle's (a.k.a. 3M) blog, I knew I had to join.

The idea is to pick 100 books (probably ones that you've always meant to read but never have) and read them over the course of 5 years. Many readers are going with the idea that completion of the project consists of reading 75% of their lists (in other words, giving yourself a 25% margin for error in case you just can't stand some of the books). There's a dedicated blog for the project where participants can post their lists, reviews, and general comments.
My Fill in the Gaps Project will end on April 9, 2014.
My list:
1. Achebe, Chinua -- Things Fall Apart
2. Ackroyd, Peter -- The Lambs of London
3. Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi -- Half of a Yellow Sun
4. Allende, Isabel -- The House of the Spirits
5. Amis, Kingsley -- Lucky Jim
6. Amis, Martin -- Money: A Suicide Note
7. Andrić, Ivo -- Bosnian Chronicle
8. Anonymous -- The Thousand and One Nights
9. Arenas, Reinaldo -- Before Night Falls
10. Atwood, Margaret -- Oryx and Crake
11. Aurellius, Marcus -- Meditations
12. Barnes, Julian -- Flaubert's Parrot
13. Bolaño, Roberto -- The Savage Detectives
14. Borges, Jorge Luis -- Ficciones
15. Bryson, Bill -- Shakespeare: The World as Stage
16. Buckley, Christopher -- Thank You for Smoking
17. Burgess, Anthony -- A Clockwork Orange
18. Calvino, Italo -- If on a winter's night a traveler
19. Camus, Albert -- The Outsider
20. Carey, Peter -- Oscar and Lucinda
21. Chabon, Michael -- The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
22. Chandler, Raymond -- The Long Goodbye
23. Chandra, Vikram -- Sacred Games
24. Cheever, John -- The Collected Stories of John Cheever
25. Choderlos de Laclos, Pierre -- Dangerous Liaisons
26. Coelho, Paulo -- Veronika Decides to Die
27. Coetzee, J.M. -- The Life and Times of Michael K
28. Collins, Wilkie -- The Woman in White
29. Diaz, Junot -- The Brief and Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao
30. Dickens, Charles -- David Copperfield
31. Dostoevsky, Fyodor -- The Brothers Karamazov
32. Dumas, Alexandre -- The Three Musketeers
33. Eggers, Dave -- A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
34. Eliot, George -- Middlemarch -- completed 7/12/09; review
35. Faludi, Susan -- Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women
36. Faulkner, William -- Light in August
37. Fielding, Henry -- Tom Jones
38. Fitzgerald, F. Scott -- This Side of Paradise
39. Flaubert, Gustave -- Bouvard and Pécuchet
40. Ford, Ford Madox -- The Good Soldier
41. Forster, E.M. -- A Room with a View
42. Galsworthy, John -- The Forsyte Saga
43. García Márquez, Gabriel -- Autumn of the Patriarch
44. Gaskell, Elizabeth -- North and South
45. Golden, Arthur -- Memoirs of a Geisha
46. Goldsmith, Oliver -- The Vicar of Wakefield
47. Gordimer, Nadine -- TBD
48. Greene, Graham -- Our Man in Havana
49. Hamid, Mohsin -- The Reluctant Fundamentalist
50. Hammett, Dashiell -- Red Harvest
51. Hanif, Mohammed -- A Case of Exploding Mangoes
52. Hardy, Thomas -- Far from the Madding Crowd
53. Hemingway, Ernest -- For Whom the Bell Tolls
54. Hesse, Herman -- Rosshalde
55. Hugo, Victor -- Les Misérables
56. Ishiguro, Kazuo -- TBD
57. Johnson, Diane -- Le Divorce
58. Joyce, James -- A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
59. Kafka, Franz -- The Trial
60. Kalish, Mildred Armstrong -- Little Heathens: Hard Times and High Spirits on an Iowa Farm During the Great Depression
61. Kapuscinski, Ryszard --Travels with Herodotus
62. Kundera, Milan -- The Unbearable Lightness of Being
63. Lahiri, Jhumpa -- Interpreter of Maladies
64. Lawrence, D.H. -- Lady Chatterley's Lover
65. Levi, Primo -- Survival in Auschwitz
66. Lewis, C.S. -- The Chronicles of Narnia
67. Lewis, M.G. -- The Monk
68. Llosa, Mario Vargas -- The Cubs and Other Stories -- completed 5/3/09; review
69. Macintyre, Ben -- Agent Zigzag: A True Story of Nazi Espionage, Love, and Betrayal
70. Martel, Yann -- The Facts Behind the Helsinki Roccamatios
71. Maugham, Somerset -- Of Human Bondage
72. Maupin, Armistead -- Tales of the City
73. McEwan, Ian -- Amsterdam
74. Montgomery, L.M. -- Anne of Green Gables
75. Murakami, Haruki -- The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
76. Naipaul, V.S. -- A Bend in the River -- completed 9/3/09; review
77. Nemirovsky, Irene -- Suite Francaise
78. Neruda, Pablo -- TBD
79. Paxman, Jeremy -- On Royalty: A Very Polite Inquiry into some Strangely Related Families
80. Radcliffe, Ann -- The Mysteries of Udolpho
81. Rand, Ayn -- The Fountainhead
82. Remnick, David -- Resurrection: The Struggle for a New Russia
83. Rushdie, Salman -- The Satanic Verses
84. Saramago, Jose -- The Double
85. Sayers, Dorothy L. -- Murder Must Advertise
86. Self, Will -- The Book of Dave
87. Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr -- One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
88. Steinbeck, John -- TBD
89. Stendhal -- The Charterhouse of Parma
90. Stevenson, Robert Louis -- Treasure Island
91. Tarkington, Booth -- Alice Adams
92. Tolstoy, Leo -- The Kreutzer Sonata
93. Trollope, Anthony -- Barchester Towers
94. Voltaire -- Candide
95. Waugh, Evelyn -- Decline and Fall
96. Wharton, Edith -- Ethan Frome -- completed 8/2/09; review
97. Winterson, Jeanette -- Written on the Body
98. Wodehouse, P.G. -- Thank You, Jeeves
99. Woolf, Virginia -- Mrs. Dalloway
100. Zola, Emile -- Nana -- completed 10/11/09; review
My Fill in the Gaps Project will end on April 9, 2014.
My list:
1. Achebe, Chinua -- Things Fall Apart
2. Ackroyd, Peter -- The Lambs of London
3. Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi -- Half of a Yellow Sun
4. Allende, Isabel -- The House of the Spirits
5. Amis, Kingsley -- Lucky Jim
6. Amis, Martin -- Money: A Suicide Note
7. Andrić, Ivo -- Bosnian Chronicle
8. Anonymous -- The Thousand and One Nights
9. Arenas, Reinaldo -- Before Night Falls
10. Atwood, Margaret -- Oryx and Crake
11. Aurellius, Marcus -- Meditations
12. Barnes, Julian -- Flaubert's Parrot
13. Bolaño, Roberto -- The Savage Detectives
14. Borges, Jorge Luis -- Ficciones
15. Bryson, Bill -- Shakespeare: The World as Stage
16. Buckley, Christopher -- Thank You for Smoking
17. Burgess, Anthony -- A Clockwork Orange
18. Calvino, Italo -- If on a winter's night a traveler
19. Camus, Albert -- The Outsider
20. Carey, Peter -- Oscar and Lucinda
21. Chabon, Michael -- The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
22. Chandler, Raymond -- The Long Goodbye
23. Chandra, Vikram -- Sacred Games
24. Cheever, John -- The Collected Stories of John Cheever
25. Choderlos de Laclos, Pierre -- Dangerous Liaisons
26. Coelho, Paulo -- Veronika Decides to Die
27. Coetzee, J.M. -- The Life and Times of Michael K
28. Collins, Wilkie -- The Woman in White
29. Diaz, Junot -- The Brief and Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao
30. Dickens, Charles -- David Copperfield
31. Dostoevsky, Fyodor -- The Brothers Karamazov
32. Dumas, Alexandre -- The Three Musketeers
33. Eggers, Dave -- A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
34. Eliot, George -- Middlemarch -- completed 7/12/09; review
35. Faludi, Susan -- Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women
36. Faulkner, William -- Light in August
37. Fielding, Henry -- Tom Jones
38. Fitzgerald, F. Scott -- This Side of Paradise
39. Flaubert, Gustave -- Bouvard and Pécuchet
40. Ford, Ford Madox -- The Good Soldier
41. Forster, E.M. -- A Room with a View
42. Galsworthy, John -- The Forsyte Saga
43. García Márquez, Gabriel -- Autumn of the Patriarch
44. Gaskell, Elizabeth -- North and South
45. Golden, Arthur -- Memoirs of a Geisha
46. Goldsmith, Oliver -- The Vicar of Wakefield
47. Gordimer, Nadine -- TBD
48. Greene, Graham -- Our Man in Havana
49. Hamid, Mohsin -- The Reluctant Fundamentalist
50. Hammett, Dashiell -- Red Harvest
51. Hanif, Mohammed -- A Case of Exploding Mangoes
52. Hardy, Thomas -- Far from the Madding Crowd
53. Hemingway, Ernest -- For Whom the Bell Tolls
54. Hesse, Herman -- Rosshalde
55. Hugo, Victor -- Les Misérables
56. Ishiguro, Kazuo -- TBD
57. Johnson, Diane -- Le Divorce
58. Joyce, James -- A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
59. Kafka, Franz -- The Trial
60. Kalish, Mildred Armstrong -- Little Heathens: Hard Times and High Spirits on an Iowa Farm During the Great Depression
61. Kapuscinski, Ryszard --Travels with Herodotus
62. Kundera, Milan -- The Unbearable Lightness of Being
63. Lahiri, Jhumpa -- Interpreter of Maladies
64. Lawrence, D.H. -- Lady Chatterley's Lover
65. Levi, Primo -- Survival in Auschwitz
66. Lewis, C.S. -- The Chronicles of Narnia
67. Lewis, M.G. -- The Monk
68. Llosa, Mario Vargas -- The Cubs and Other Stories -- completed 5/3/09; review
69. Macintyre, Ben -- Agent Zigzag: A True Story of Nazi Espionage, Love, and Betrayal
70. Martel, Yann -- The Facts Behind the Helsinki Roccamatios
71. Maugham, Somerset -- Of Human Bondage
72. Maupin, Armistead -- Tales of the City
73. McEwan, Ian -- Amsterdam
74. Montgomery, L.M. -- Anne of Green Gables
75. Murakami, Haruki -- The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
76. Naipaul, V.S. -- A Bend in the River -- completed 9/3/09; review
77. Nemirovsky, Irene -- Suite Francaise
78. Neruda, Pablo -- TBD
79. Paxman, Jeremy -- On Royalty: A Very Polite Inquiry into some Strangely Related Families
80. Radcliffe, Ann -- The Mysteries of Udolpho
81. Rand, Ayn -- The Fountainhead
82. Remnick, David -- Resurrection: The Struggle for a New Russia
83. Rushdie, Salman -- The Satanic Verses
84. Saramago, Jose -- The Double
85. Sayers, Dorothy L. -- Murder Must Advertise
86. Self, Will -- The Book of Dave
87. Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr -- One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
88. Steinbeck, John -- TBD
89. Stendhal -- The Charterhouse of Parma
90. Stevenson, Robert Louis -- Treasure Island
91. Tarkington, Booth -- Alice Adams
92. Tolstoy, Leo -- The Kreutzer Sonata
93. Trollope, Anthony -- Barchester Towers
94. Voltaire -- Candide
95. Waugh, Evelyn -- Decline and Fall
96. Wharton, Edith -- Ethan Frome -- completed 8/2/09; review
97. Winterson, Jeanette -- Written on the Body
98. Wodehouse, P.G. -- Thank You, Jeeves
99. Woolf, Virginia -- Mrs. Dalloway
100. Zola, Emile -- Nana -- completed 10/11/09; review
I see quite I few that I want to read as well. Good luck!
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