I currently have accounts with both LibraryThing (for books I own) and Goodreads (for books I don't own but want to read), as well as PaperBackSwap (nickname: florida-fan) and BookMooch. I was looking around for a place that my son could trade some video games and signed up for Swaptree. This got me thinking about the books I've listed on PBS and Mooch that I haven't gotten any takers on. Maybe I could trade them on SwapTree? But to do this (and for my general well-being), I'd need to organize and update. So that's what I've started working on today. As an irritating aside to this, my computer has decided to run at snail speed, which makes this project oh so much more enjoyable.
My plan of attack is consists of several steps (some overlapping).
1. Search my LT account for books that can be disposed of. I currently own almost 900 books, but I tag them as read and unread, so maybe this won't take too long.
2. Classify books in my Goodreads account by genre and how much I want them.
3. Make sure I don't still have books listed somewhere that I no longer own.
4. Double-check whether my library has a book I want to read before putting/keeping it on a wishlist.
I don't know how long my enthusiasm for this project will last; I'm a great project-starter but not as good of a project-finisher. We'll see. At least it's something to do while my Farmville crops grow.
I suppose I must check out SwapTree. I am compelled to check out all book-related sites in the universe. I must.
I have Goodreads and LibraryThing and they are both very unorganized! It is on my to-do list to fix, but I never seem to accomplish it...
Good luck with the organization. I should do that;-) As far as Farmville, I SWORE I wouldn't do that when I joined Facebook. I grew up in the country - I felt no need to go back. Well, someone sent me a gift and that was history. As long as I'm not on there constantly I figure it's silly mindless entertainment that helps me relax. I could do worse things.
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